The Wholistic Parent Coach

What is Wholistic Parent Coaching?

We view the family unit, whatever that may be, as a dynamic system where there are group needs as well as individual needs. And we want to help you to work together so you can support and nurture each other. To be the best family possible.

We believe physical health and mental wellbeing are central to creating a healthy family. We help support your health choices, whatever they may be, navigate nutritional information, sleeping tips and other self soothing strategies.


Start by connecting

While this is likely to be the most profound and moving experiences of your life, the sleep deprivation can be relentless. Listening to your baby’s cries and being unable to settle them is distressing. Despite so much advice and books available on becoming a parent, your family situation is unique. So there is a lot of trial and error. Added to these stressors you may also struggle with different parenting values from each other.

The extreme fatigue wears you down, confuses your thoughts and memory.

Is it any wonder you and your partner so easily default to arguing?

Maybe blaming each other for even the smallest of things or just misunderstanding each other? It can be really difficult to listen when you are under so much pressure.


What is Wholistic Parent Coaching?

We view the family unit, whatever that may be, as a dynamic system where there are group needs as well as individual needs. And we want to help you to work together so you can support and nurture each other. To be the best family possible.

We believe physical health and mental wellbeing are central to creating a healthy family. We help support your health choices, whatever they may be, navigate nutritional information, sleeping tips and other self soothing strategies.


But the good news is these patterns are not so hard to break.

Within the program we also look for any great referral pathways with other well experienced practitioners, within alternative health as well as mainstream health, who may also be able to support you both and help address your baby’s needs at this time.

Are you thinking this could be a good fit for your situation?

  • Tailored to meet your specific needs
  • Online or in person
  • Learn how to communicate effectively, even when sleep deprived
  • Learn more about yours and your partner’s triggers and how to respond to these in a kind way
  • How you can work through the tough stuff together
  • Discover other useful tips and some great referral pathways


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