The test of service summarises the transit of the Sun through Virgo. This is the sign where we begin to critically analyse our personal impact on others. It is a result of this we then reorientate and start to look outside of our personal worlds and consider others. This demands a personal reorientation or transformation. It also results in us looking at what we can do for others. As if we have a duty to our fellow humans.
Why do we serve community and how do we fulfil this expectation? Because it is an expectation which balances out our individual freedoms. In service we are able to come to an understanding of the give and take involved in living with others. It helps us to fulfil a need that is greater than ourselves. Serving something gives us a place in life and stops us from feeling lost, adrift in this impersonal overwhelmingly limitless universe. This can be overwhelming and so to be part of something greater than ourselves helps stop this. Helps us settle into our role in society and be an active contributor in the process and so making a difference. If this fails we get lost and become psychologically more isolated and feel out of control.
The focus for this month is about relationships and communication difficulties. But opens with a sense of optimism and a willingness to dig deeper, uncover the gold. It is also good for planning when thoroughness is employed. This is reinforced by Saturn closely aligning with Nashira, a star of the Capricorn constellation, meaning the Fortunate One or the Bringer of Good Tidings. With this comes a futuristic orientation, navigating the terrain of life with more clever strategies, planning as well as a strong sense of groundedness to preserve what has been gained.
With the First Quarter Moon on September 3, comes the first crisis point of examining how your ideas of becoming more effective in your life are progressing. This part of the annular cycle marks the most critical point for self reflection. This may relate to your work, your participation in society or at home. How you are treated by others or allow them to treat you. Clearing away any dissatisfactions will prevent more pain in the future. Your skills at planning, communicating as well as cleaning are all a part of the qualities of Virgo that form a focus at this time. Where do your responsibilities lie? Are you looking after your own health? How do you balance your activities in daily life? At this time we are given opportunity to more closely examine these things. With Venus moving in Virgo from September 5 will also reinforce this work by opening you to it.
The following day the Moon opposes Pluto, bringing intensity into your interactions and maybe a crisis related to clearing away what has not been working so well. The outcome of this will bring ease and productivity on September 7 when the Moon forms a Grand Air Trine to Mars and Mercury while being sextile to Jupiter. Such a productive day in preparation for the coming of Mercury retrograde on September 10 along with the Full Moon in Pisces. All this clearing work will give you a great clarity about yourself and your situation in a way that has not been possible until now. Remember, as always during this retrograde period, avoid signing contracts, making major purchases or initiating plans. Unkept appointments, missing documents, broken promises along with a lot of misleading information over the next three weeks will be the norm.
This Mercury retrograde will conclude the Air Trinity series which began in October 2021. The emphasis over this period has been focused upon human relations, communication, information and analysis. It has brought this Air element into the public arena for examination of what is working and what is not. More specifically the roles of information dissemination and processing, especially with the media and media platforms as well as questions surrounding our relationships and our interactions with society at large. The next Mercury retrograde cycle will begin in December and for the following sixteen months will focus upon the Earth element.
But back to the present, September 11 the Sun will be trine to Uranus bringing a day of great energy and restlessness. And the next few days will start to show the results of all your sorting and clearing, coming to a new way of operating in the world. Along with the Moon conjunct Jupiter and opposite Mercury, it will enable a greater sense of directness and honesty in your communication as well as being beneficial for focusing upon any studies, your learning style, how you process information.
September 15 is another restless day where your tolerance will be tested. Leading to a crisis or trigger point in the lunar month with the Third Quarter Moon on September 17. The Sun also opposes Neptune and with all these aspects, it speaks to you becoming even more open to influences, conveyed through confusion and uncertainty, so as to help you embrace an awareness and sensitivity you have not experienced before. September 20 deepens this impact with the Sun trine to Pluto along with the Moon, Venus and Uranus in powerful aspect to each other. This combination can provide such sudden insights. There is also a strong push to review your relationships, see which may be damaging and so requiring change to support your new growth. Not from a selfish standpoint but to challenge the way you respond. In doing so, it will clarify what it is you seek in this exchange and how exactly you are wanting to respond differently. At this time there will be a push to get away from routine and do something different, something exciting, to support the unusual change of pace.
September 23 marks the Sun’s entry point into Libra as well as the inferior conjunction of Mercury to the Sun. The reflections of your stuck patterns and situations ruminating between September 12 and now, the Epimethean period of retrograde Mercury, gives birth to something new. Some sort of reorientation before you move into the Promethean Mercury retrograde phase where there is a stimulus for moving forward, away from stuck patterns of relating. With the Sun moving into Libra, this marks a more social time with a focus upon enjoying beauty and creating more of this around your home. Peace and harmony is now found in relationships having just had the Sun transiting Virgo. Mercury also moves back into Virgo for the last part of this retrograde cycle, particularly affecting those born in the final degrees of Pisces but also stifling for those born in the final degrees of Gemini and Sagittarius as well as bringing back into play for a final reckoning any major conflicts which occurred between August 20 and 25. Then September 24 will be an unusually sensitive time where you are also more open to the influence of others with Venus opposing Neptune. There is a caution here though, as this can be a time of unrealistic ideals about relationships and definitely not a good time to start a new relationship.
September 26 is the New Moon and so we begin a new solar cycle, this time focused upon Libra and its qualities. So for the final days of this month you begin to rebuild your new and renewed relationships, and address your automated patterns of thinking, how you analyse and problem solve. This is supported over the next few days by various transits including the entry of Venus into Libra where making peace, influencing and being influenced by others, will again assist in working with this next month’s focus.
Through the Sun Signs:
Balancing your needs with those around you gets tricky and you tend to give yourself a hard time about this. Just remember, what is yours will come to you as you don’t need to force this.
Despite the demands of people close to you, taking some time out now, getting some alone time, will serve you well in the long run.
With difficulties on the home front, you will find support amongst your network of like-minded friends. This is where you need to have a focus at this time.
This period of self reflection can enable you to move forward in your life and make better choices. Make it a priority.
You are drawn intensely into this self searching phase which at times may feel fairly threatening. So make opportunities to lighten things up, play and have fun as well. Do make a chore of it!
It is important to remember you are not alone in your struggles. Reach out and help will be there.
In your soul searching, remain sensitive and open to the needs of others.
The group can be stifling when you are keen and restless to pursue your own interests. Now is not the time to get your way.
If you feel as though you have little choice, stay closer to home, play more with your children or pursue your own creative outlets.
Acknowledge the serious side of your nature. This does not free you up to be more truely yourself but binds you to a more stifled way of being. This is a great month for self reflection.
Sacrificing your own needs for the good of others will enrich you in ways you never thought possible.
This is a perfect time to talk openly about your expectations of yourself and others. It will provide you with good insight into what it is you need and desire to pursue.
If you cannot relate to this advice then try using your Rising sign. Better still, why not have a reading to get more specific information as this is a good time for such depth of knowing.
Contact Mark at
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