As with the end of February, March begins with a similarly subdued energy although minor aspects begin to predominate whereby there is more of a compulsion to make emotional adjustments which align with your personal values. With these minor angles the tone for the month is more about mental and emotional adjustments, along with relationship adjustments, rather than a focus upon actions. There are the themes of stabilising and conserving your energy as well as attracting resources that require further development and can now be given your consistent attention. There is also a caution here about pushing forward without reflecting. This will waste your energies and open you to being mislead, to being deluded.
On March 2 there is a more expansive outlook where the need for a higher sense of purpose and so understanding your unconscious motives better will drive you today. Also what opens up is the need for a broadening and a promoting of social ideals and what this means personally for you. For the Sun is sextile to Jupiter today and so brings a renewed optimism and faith. Working with others will be enhanced as you are more able to grasp how working together helps to promote your individualised aims and needs. With Venus sextile to Chiron, finding inspiration through intense and synchronous meetings with others who share your ideals and concerns will be another feature today and tomorrow. Your values are felt to be more intensely personal and with this the wounding arises when these are ignored. A renewal of suffering friendships is also highlighted today.
March 3 also continues with this venusian theme of friendships with its square to Uranus. If there are problems then this is the day to sort these out. As there is a heightening of your awareness of how your personal drives may run counter to your social responsibilities and so the need to adjust these to lessen the friction or reconcile these to move forward. The need for endurance and preserving what is, feels more paramount.
March 4 sees the Third Quarter Moon, creating tension with your anticipation about completing what you have been working on for the past few weeks so that you can begin the new year with fresh projects. The activation of latent resources in your unconscious leads us into March 5 with Mercury sextile to Uranus bringing an innovative mental expression. Remain open to sudden surprises or changes of plan. Or make sure you change your routine today to offset the chance of surprise if that works better for you. With these energies also comes a broadening awareness of the social context. Of what you are doing to further your group or community.
March 6 then returns to more of an internalised time with tensions mounting inside as you feel at odds with what you want. This can spur on actions which are blinded and more subjective. So be aware of an unconscious attachment to limiting habits. The challenge here is for teaching yourself about what you value as well as about appreciating the variability of life. There is a gentle prompting, a heightened need to increase your awareness about how and where values more suitable to your personal growth can be built into your nature. Also today you feel great compassion and derive greater meaning from all you participate in.
March 7 augurs further reforming of yourself and your environment but there is also a caution here against acting compulsively as this may invite opposition from others. March 8 to 13 also provides further opportunities to examine how and where values suitable for your growth can be built into your nature.
But March 9 sees the conjunction of Mercury and Neptune creating a period of confusion and so be sure to clarify any misunderstandings on this day or fights are liable to erupt. This can be particularly the case as Mars squares Uranus today inspiring great restlessness, impatience and risk taking. The advice is to be productive today to offset these energies. There is a great urge to make creative changes in your life so make the most of this. The old order is ceasing with these emotional adjustments you are making which is driven by a heightening of your renewed sense of personal value. This will become more evident to you over the next two weeks as Saturn comes to a novile aspect with Pluto from March 15 to 21.
March 10 sees the Sun sextile to Uranus calling for you to reform yourself through progressive and humanitarian considerations. With Venus semi sextile to Neptune, there are increased aspirations for the highest good of all concerned. This energy is highly creative, more internalised and will do much to offset the Mars square to Uranus energy.
On March 11 we have the New Moon in Pisces and so a retreat inward to reconsider what you are doing and if it is in accord with what you personally want and need for your new beginnings which are taking shape. Mercury enters Aries producing a strong urge to get out and change things, or to go travelling.
On March 13 Venus enters Pisces and so apart from examining your value system, it marks a month of focusing upon taking care of those you love. This focus though will shift a week later when the Sun moves into Aries and rebalances with an increased focus upon your own self. Other Venus aspects involving the Sun, Pluto and Jupiter today compel you to make personal sacrifices for the collective good with an urge for wholeness and completion.
This brings us to March 14 with the rebirth of optimism and emergence from chaos. In the renewed hope you are compelled to overstretch yourself and your resources. So stay centred and grounded and meditate.
On March 17 the Sun conjuncts Neptune which will bring a softening to strained energies. And while not an energising aspect, it will help sensitise and stimulate your awareness and intuition. You will be more sensitive to the needs of others and less concerned about yourself, focusing upon deeper truths and the hidden world. If you are not coping today then you will martyr yourself and drain your resources. With this will come the urge to withdraw and flee from the demands of the world. It is a time for daydreaming as well as a time to take care with what you ingest as you will be highly sensitive to drugs, medications, alcohol and foods.
Balancing all these vulnerabilities is Mercury semi sextile to Saturn which has a strong and more positive self expression, integrating and preserving your intuitive faculties. Helping you to be clearer-minded, better at planning and forward looking to turn tricky situations around.
But you may also wish to isolate yourself on March 15 with the First Quarter Moon and its internalising of intense longing and expectation of what lies ahead in the coming year. With the restructuring of your self and your life.
On March 19 we have the two semi sextiles between Mars and Neptune, Mercury and Jupiter. The influence of these lowers your energy and focuses your attention on the larger aspects of your life. With your increased sensitivity it can be a good time for group work or a retreat into yourself to explore as your foresight and insight will be stronger today than is usual but take a care as details may escape you.
We have the official beginning of the new year on March 20 with the Sun moving into Aries. This will mark the time for recharging yourself by looking more closely at your own personal matters with less focus on the needs of those around you. Nurture yourself and then there will be enough for you to nurture those closest.
March 21 brings both the Sun and Venus into contact with Pluto, marking the need for you to make changes in your immediate life and reforming circumstances you are not happy with. Is your relationship fulfilling or do you need some sort of change there? Does it give you personal fulfilment? Does it equate with a renewed sense of personal value? Today will give you the ability to work effectively with others to help expiate changes to things that are not working for you.
March 22 brings the semi sextile of Mercury with Uranus, highlighting altruistic tendencies with a stronger focus upon spiritual understandings and integrating these into your life. Then with the Sun semi square to Jupiter, there is a heightening of your ability for self expression. For moulding your environment according to your vision of society, of how things should ideally be. Venus also conjuncts Saturn and so your love is tempered by practical considerations. You will experience greater restraint, lowered feelings of affection and creativity.
Amongst all these influences we have the Sun opposing the Moon with heightened tensions revealing how well you cope with daily and routine aspects of your life. You know what needs to change and so now need to do it so you can find the fulfilment you are longing for in your life and your relationships. This is marks the Lunar eclipse, the first eclipse of this year and I will write about this eclipse series separately in my next blog on this eclipse cycle.
From March 24 Mars moves into Pisces and so past behaviour patterns that have become completely unconscious now awaken. These prevent any efforts at self assertion. Today this becomes more apparent to you with the energy of Mercury in aspect to Pluto. This combination is mentally deeply penetrating, exposing what is your highest sense of personal value. This is followed by, on March 25, Mars semi sextile to Pluto. So making changes in your course of action to realise important goals and how they are serving you and your group.
On March 26 the Sun is in novile aspect to Jupiter and so are you on the right course to personal fulfilment which helps you create meaning as well as a greater sense of awareness of your part in the scheme of existence. The Sun is also semi square to Uranus producing restlessness. Any conflicted sense of how things are in your immediate environment will induce sudden changes, disruptions and difficulties. Then Venus will be semi square to Chiron helping new values to surface from the depths stimulated by what’s been happening around you. This can be a good time to reconcile this through any creative expression or spiritual practises, to seek the resolution of unresolved issues.
Then on March 28 Mars has its turn being semi square to Chiron. Your actions convey something deeper emerging which is at odds with how you have been and so pushing you towards more indepth self reflection.
Then on March 30 Mercury will be septile to Mars and the Sun novile to Uranus. While there is a certain humanitarian and socially reformative energy in play here, to find a certain sense of satisfaction and fulfilment. There will also be confused actions, conveying a certain fatedness. Producing a more indepth insight into the nature of reality.
This doesn’t resinate with you? Maybe seek out an individualised astrology reading from Mark at
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