It is the Solar month of Virgo where the challenge lies in reconciling social responsibility with personal needs for your own growth and development. We also enter the final eclipse period for the year.
The month begins with you better accepting your personal needs for growth and knowing that in you focusing upon this will then allow you to be more productive within the context of your interacting with others.
September 2 brings the square of Mars with Neptune and so in you identifying strongly with your own ideas and beliefs, you may become a martyr or victim to your cause. This is though a compassionate combination affecting everyone and good for following your highest aspirations. There is a caution around fighting over words or ideals or misconstruing what the other person believes. Remain aware of this also being a few days of big lies or a twisting of the truth of the past masquerading as high lofty principles. It is here where victims and martyrs are misconstrued. Also over this period, between September 2 and 4, there will be increased sickness, lowered susceptibility to infections and all substances as well as an increased prevalence of drug and alcohol overdoses.
September 3 brings us to the New Moon in Virgo and so providing a space to withdraw and spend some quieter time alone. Contemplation of what really constitutes your social responsibility can be more fruitful. Is it what you are told or does it relate to you discovering what it is you best excel at and then following this for the betterment of society as a whole. The question is raised about what is selflessness about anyway? How does it serve others if it is undertaken begrudgingly?
This line of thinking will compel some to sacrifice their own power in the belief that this will be for the common good. There may be frustrations with your work and routine activities but remember these provide an opportunity to challenge your sense of efficiency.
September 7 and 8 will be mentally very stimulating with the activation of Mercury square to Uranus. A focus upon new ideas and phenomena will be rewarding although plans will not work out the way you expect them to. However, having already gone through the Mercury retrograde period last month, over these two days, whatever you put into action will move quickly. However, any impulsive actions will require a review over the days subsequent to this.
Then September 8 and 9 slows things down again with the Sun opposite Saturn. This is a time when your energy patterns are lower and more erratic than usual. You become more consciously aware of the limitations imposed upon you by circumstances, other people or authority figures. These thoughts can leave you feeling more alone and isolated.
In other circumstances you may not be able to ignore your obligations without incurring the wrath of others and so you are forced to compromise. These situations though will shake up existing relationships as there is an increased need to have everything out in the open. To find resolution. But this energy is less flexible than usual and so the resolutions may not live up to expectations. The greater the disparity between your ideas, the greater the disruption.
With these patterns we then proceed onto the next section of the month where Saturn forms a quintile aspect with Uranus for the rest of this month. While this is considered a minor aspect, it heralds a finishing up phase where realisation predominates on many fronts. Progressive and big ideas begin to surface as the need for some fundamental changes within society becomes more obvious. September 9 will be a valuable time to meditate upon your role within a societal context and how you would like to promote change.
September 12 is a busy day which will be good for mental work along with higher energy and optimism. Be careful you do not overdo your generosity and then feel burdened by excessive demands and responsibilities coming from putting your hand up. But this is an inspired time with realisations surfacing around your needs for connection outweighing your own more personal wants.
September 13 brings an easing of inner tensions with the understanding that you can best help others by stepping into your own power and authority. But this conundrum does not go away. What needs to be reflected upon is where the messages of what constitutes service to others comes from. Is it from our leaders? Is it from the various social media platforms? Or does it come from the core of who you are? What is more valuable for you and what can you best live with?
September 15 and 16 will be a less tumultuous time with Venus trine to Jupiter. Where grace, ease and pleasant social situations are nurtured. This is a great time then for entertaining or starting out on an adventure or holiday. There is a lot of enthusiasm to achieve but do not start a new enterprise under this transit as it does not have the staying power.
These days do augur a rising above the culture of blame, judgment and criticism. Understanding that social cohesion provides a resilience we need. We cannot assume it will automatically be there as it won’t. It needs to be nurtured and the more blaming that occurs within society, the greater the division will be, along with the resulting isolation and powerlessness.
It now comes to pass that we enter the semi square of Saturn and Pluto for weeks to come. This was, in part, the energy alignment of the covid period when Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter were conjunct. Now with these two outer planets in conflict with each other, we see the dark face of authority arise, looking for something new and so this energy needs to be demolished.
The trauma of the mandates and lockdowns surface again over the coming weeks. This energy operates very unconsciously but can be more consciously understood if you are able to understand how these dynamics inform what is going on around you.
September 18 brings the Lunar Partial Eclipse over the North Node and therefore marking a time where celestial power surges will occur. In the Aries-Libra dynamic it will strongly influence relationships, business partnerships, contracts, decisions of all kinds, agreements, domestic issues as well as broader issues relating to war and peace. Things will come to a head here. Whatever is brewing below the surface may now explode.
Make sure you check for all things relating to safety around the home. For instance, check for fire hazards and check for tempers which will flair if things are uneasy. There is great potential for violent outbursts. At this time, consumption of alcohol can very easily be problematic. The kids and your dogs will require extra exercise to settle. Draw upon all your skills to empower your own personal effectiveness.
September 19 will be a day of great excitement with the Sun trine to Uranus. There is a heightening of perception, a keenness of mind, great restlessness and energy. So make sure you get out there in the world. Expand upon your life in new and unusual ways to encourage new encounters.
September 21 brings great confusion and uncertainty with the Sun opposing Neptune. There will be a heightening of your sensitivities to the needs of others and it provides a great opportunity to discover new depths in your relationships.
On September 22 the Sun is in a higher trine to Pluto, returning to its reunion point and the final closing of Pluto fully coming out of Capricorn and into the next sign of Aquarius, which will occur in the coming months. This generational change will be coming on quickly now and so for a short time we can more easily feel the changes and challenges that will arise with this expression. For this day, it will be felt more intensely and will be a good day for repairing relationship breakdowns or misunderstandings as communication can now happen at a deeper level.
September 23 marks the Sun moving into Libra and so this will be the next area you will be more focused upon. September 25 heightens tensions with the Third Quarter Moon and the final conflict relating to your own personal efficiency. You have been focused upon this for the month and now is the time to resolve what still needs resolution so you can more fully move into exploring your interpersonal dynamics.
September 26 may bring some confusion with a lack of clarity around your communications. There will be a lessening of your ability to filter your thoughts while also a time of heightened perception as Mercury opposes Neptune. With Mercury also trine to Pluto, it will prove to be a greatly introspective day as you can dip deep as well as have deep conversations with others. However, keep in mind people will affect each other more profoundly today.
The last few days of the month provides an opportunity for a renewal of meaning. Where an increased patience and willingness to undertake difficult and exacting work. Then at the end of the month the Moon makes its final semi sextile aspect with a merging of ideas around service and harmony within your life.
The importance of responsibilities needs to be balanced with the importance of maintaining a peaceful co-existence. One cannot exist without the other. We need each other but each of us need to find that point where they feel they can thrive and then society as a whole becomes more robust and peaceful.
Astrology Course Part 1 is now open for enrollment. Beginning 17/10/24-21/11/2024
If you would like to learn how to ready your chart and those of family and friends this is the course for you. Book now through this link. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Early bird until 19/9/2024
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