This month proves to be challenging with the shadow of economic hard times being felt a little more. Along with this is the threat of further epidemics and outbreaks, although not like what we have seen in more recent times. Just a bit more than we have seen over the past year as Pluto and Saturn form a minor negative aspect, a semi square, between each other for most of this month. With these two energies comes a background fear surrounding loss of power or of domination by authority figures but these energies play out internally and not so much externally. Together they reflect an expectation of personal ineffectiveness as we begin to witness one of the manifestations of Pluto in Aquarius. The power of the group. Where idealism and fanaticism prevents true connection with others.
These themes are more keenly felt on May 1 and 2 with Venus square Pluto and semi square Saturn, auguring interpersonal conflict and separation as fears of giving too much surfaces. Any inflexibility of attitude towards others is tested and ideals challenge values. Tensions also mount with the Third Quarter Moon in Aquarius. There are fears around personal safety as your ideals and attitudes are tested. Mars also moves into Aries which is essentially wilful and assertive, qualities needed for pioneering work but will backfire if placing your needs above those of others.
On May 4 Pluto turns retrograde, auguring the assimilation of ideas behind society’s striving for more certain ideals. More power is invested in these changes with Mars sextile to Pluto but there is a caution here around overzealousness as the disruptive power of this transit can be strong.
May 5 is more internalised with the Sun forming minor aspects to Neptune and Pluto. Take care with overestimating your capacities as you are not so grounded today but it also provides a valuable opportunity to connect more deeply with what underlies your own petty wants and needs. This can assist you on May 6 and 7 with Mercury conjunct Chiron, as well as Venus aspecting Neptune and Saturn, bringing clarity to what you truly aspire to and enabling a higher sense of personal value.
The New Moon in Taurus comes on May 9, where unconscious habit patterns arise as part of a protective push to preserve what is of value to you. Mercury semi sextile Uranus increases your receptivity as well as enhancing this internalising process. With Venus in a minor aspect with Pluto, depth is created around conversations with others. Your capacity for inspiration is heightened and so make sure you reach out and remain open to influences.
Expect surprises on May 13 with the Sun conjunct Uranus and then on May 14 you will gain much gratification from looking after your loved ones. This need to lend a hand will work well with your business dealings as well as your friendships when Venus is sextile Saturn. It can be an equally productive day for study and planning.
May 16 brings us to the First Quarter Moon In Leo where inner tension mounts with demonstrating to others what you need from them. From May 17 Mercury moves into Taurus for two weeks and so clarifying your material, mental and spiritual needs will help you plan for the months ahead. On May 17 you will also feel the urge to mould your environment according to your own social vision of how things could be. But take care to not be insensitive or uncompromising or you will meet with resistance.
Now we are beginning to enter that time of the yearly cycle when we tend to withdraw more into ourselves and work out what will be the best fit for that which we strive to become. Aligning your vision with your understanding to generate a stronger sense of innate faith in life will be an invaluable focus. May 18 will be good for business and investments. Also for turning ideals into a reality with Jupiter sextile Saturn.
Make May 19 a day for getting out and doing something more stimulating and different as Venus conjuncts Uranus. Expect the unexpected. It is a time for new relationships as well as disruptions to existing relationships.
May 20 draws aspects between the Sun with Saturn and Neptune, increasing your susceptibilities and sensitivities. Themes of the use and abuse of power and authority challenge your more individual needs as your awareness grows around the needs of others.
On May 21 the Sun moves into Gemini, bringing your attention for the next month to your immediate environment. The tempo of life shifts as there is a quickening of social activity. On this day there is a more benevolent atmosphere with people’s increased willingness to make more personal sacrifices.
May 23 will be a more intense and powerful day with the Sun trine Pluto. What in your environment needs reforming? But it can also be a lucky day with Venus conjunct Jupiter with both sextile Neptune. It is a good day for being moved or influenced by music, creativity and romance. Upon helping others in more practical ways whilst coming from a more idealistic sense or aspiration. The desire to make some calculated gambles can also pay off.
May 24 brings the Full Moon in Sagittarius and so the tension mounts with the differing expressions of your ideas and those of others. Reconciliation will bring new understandings as you embrace the underlying principles behind the ideas of others.
This will help with Venus moving into Gemini the following day where for the next month there is a focus upon communicating ideas with those in your circle which will help ground your own thinking and set greater form and clarity in your relationships. This provides some level of containment with the evolving influence these relationships then share with you. How you are influenced by them and how much do you allow them to influence you becomes your focus.
On May 27 take care with making assumptions as the potential to be misled increases. So clarify all ideas and plans. This will not come from a manipulative space but from one where everyone expects the best but has not clarified what this means for each person.
Mars conjuncts Chiron on May 29 and so for everyone they will feel like asserting themselves more. But with this, breaks in relationships of all sorts can feature more intently. Just as we reach the end of the month when on May 31 we have the Third Quarter Moon in Pisces with tensions mounting around integrating into your life your new understandings.
You may wish to clarify your own personal situation and so having your individualised natal chart read for this time will help. Contact me at
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