by Mark Lambrick | Astrology, Counselling, Homeopathy, Natural Health, Personal Growth, Relationships
This month we see Venus turning direct on Sep 4 and Jupiter moving retrograde from Sep 5. Then from Sep 16 Mercury also turns direct and the usual pace of life resumes. Jupiter retrograde gives us a period of the year when desire is more consciously suppressed to...
by Mark Lambrick | Astrology, Counselling, Homeopathy, Natural Health, Personal Growth, Relationships
The planetary delineations described below are for the location of Melbourne, Australia and so you will need correct this for your location when reading these blogs. Also keep in mind that my days begin from midnight and not dawn. The month begins with a strong...
by Mark Lambrick | Astrology, Counselling, Homeopathy, Natural Health, Personal Growth, Relationships
This month starts with Neptune moving retrograde followed by Venus and Chiron later in the month. It begins a time of when we are more able to comprehend realities beyond our own as the boundaries between the conscious and unconscious begin to dissolve. If Neptune...
by Mark Lambrick | Astrology, Counselling, Homeopathy, Natural Health, Personal Growth, Relationships
As the month opens, the Sun has been travelling through the constellation of Gemini for ten days and so coming to the fruition of the Full Moon shortly thereafter. The journey through Gemini marks the solar month where you are focused upon your relationships in your...
by Mark Lambrick | Astrology, Counselling, Homeopathy, Natural Health, Personal Growth, Relationships
May commences in the midst of the early eclipse cycle of this year. The Total Solar Eclipse, the incoming cosmic energy, came on April 20, just prior to Mercury turning retrograde, and the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the outgoing cosmic energy, occurs on May 5. The...
by Mark Lambrick | Astrology, Counselling, Homeopathy, Natural Health, Personal Growth, Relationships
The first period of Mercury retrograde for 2023 occurs in the sign of Taurus and commences on April 21 at 6:35 PM AEST and finishes on May 15 at 1:17 PM AEST. Taurus governs security, finances, possessions and all things of beauty in your life. Everything that entices...