The following cycle unfolded this vision through the Enlightenment and the establishment of the Royal Society towards the end of the seventeenth century. It signified science gaining broader social acceptance with notions of nothing being true unless one established this for oneself. This notion reinforced the supremacy of rationality as a way of conducting oneself and inquiring into the workings of nature as well as dictating our place in the order of things. The hotly debated topic of faith versus reason of the Middle Ages slowly began to resolve.


In the fourth of these five cycles, culminating in the one that is just finishing for us, humans were confronted with Darwinism and subsequently had to embrace that we were part of creation and not separate from it and not necessarily special. The Garden of Eden and Genesis then became no more than metaphors with science stealing the Creation Myth of the West. In context, the creation myth in every culture is central, the epicenter of cultural understanding. This era also saw the development of the germ theory with Pasteur. At the time there were though two competing theories with Beauchamp, a senior biologist to Pasteur, who believed the terrain dictated the arisal of germs and not the other way around. Pasteur believed germs were fixed and responsible for the development of disease and so therefore the correct treatment approach was to destroy them and therefore eliminate the disease. Whereas Beauchamp’s theory saw the problem of disease as being the toxicity of the tissues which could be eradicated by fixing the diet and cleaning the person’s environment.


These philosophical underpinnings laid the groundwork for the development of modern medical treatment. It should also be added that Pasteur on his deathbed expressed his misgivings stating that it was the terrain after all which dictated the arisal of germs and not the other way around. However, this theory never took hold more broadly, except within the natural medicine movement, as we entered the Utilitarian Age. Utilitarian thought centred around the ordering principles of pleasure and pain, directing us as to whether something was right or wrong. It stole the moral imperative and religion then further lost its standing within society. The rise of pragmatism and atheism resulted in humans becoming increasingly isolated in an impersonal and inert universe, governed by principles alone and judged by the rational mind.  


Neptune transited through Pisces between February 1848 and January 1862. Women’s rights developed a stronger hold starting with the Seneca Falls Convention to end women’s suffrage. The Californian gold rush sparked many similar gold rushes around the world. The drive to find gold was forced by the Western World’s first Great Depression and a glimpse into the vulnerability of the financial system. The Communist Manifesto was first published and in Europe in 1848 there were widespread revolutions known in some countries as the ‘Springtime of the People’. The Taiping Rebellion was sparked by this formidable group wanting to challenge the moral and social order under the Qing Dynasty, but instead was quashed leaving some 20 million people dead.


The Indian Rebellion of 1857 forced England to assume control of India from the East India Company, given the bloody outcome of the rebellion, highlighting the ineptitude of a company being able to govern an entire civilization. The push to abolish slavery in the US and unify the Union and the Confederate states lead to the American Civil War between 1862 and 1865. Then the first device for recording sound was invented in 1858, changing the way we recorded events in real time as opposed to recording of events being confined to books. This revolutionary period ultimately changed the established order and narratives world-wide.


So what have we observed in our own era? The developments of Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection and Pasteur’s germ theory, along with the Utilitarianism movement were pivotal. Science became the driving force of truth where once this was held by the Roman Catholic Church and the Occult Arts. Medical treatments were developed to target specific germs with no focus upon detoxification or of building the resilience of people towards the diseases and epidemics of the time. These epidemics of the nineteenth century reached epic proportions before subsiding, of their own accord, outside of the interventions of vaccines and other treatments to counter them, which came much later.


As noted by Ivan Illich in ‘Limits to medicine’, 1976, pages 23 and 24:

“The infections that prevailed at the outset of the industrial age illustrate how medicine came by its reputation. Tuberculosis, for instance, reached a peak over two generations. In New York in 1812, the death rate was estimated to be higher than 700 per 10,000; by 1882, when Koch first isolated and cultured the bacillus, it had already declined to 370 per 10,000. The rate was down to 180 when the first sanitorium was opened in 1910, even though ’consumption’ still held second place in the mortality tables. After World War II, but before antibiotics became routine, it had slipped into eleventh place with a rate of 48. Cholera, dysentery, and typhoid similarly peaked and dwindled outside the physician’s control. By the time their etiology was understood and their therapy had become specific, these diseases had lost much of their virulence and hence their social importance. The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 per cent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization.”


However, this history has been rewritten to validate vaccine propaganda. As a context, the Black Plague which first ravaged Europe between 1348 and 1350, killing 25 million people, half the population, largely came and went without any successful medical intervention or public works to counter its spread. It did though make a number of reappearances subsequent to this initial outbreak but was never as bad as this first time. This is a view not generally talked about by the scientific community or the broader society. As it highlights diseases having their own patterns and cycles of significance, largely unaffected by human intervention.


The propaganda prevalent now would have us see otherwise but the bottom line with the current pandemic is that the current world death rates have remain unchanged when compared with earlier years. The fear induced by this pandemic has been driven by the media and governments. It is not to say people have not died but for some reason we believe these people may not have died anyway. Most have been from nursing homes and so have a certain vulnerability to disease. In Australia, 10,000 people die each year from respiratory diseases and 49,000 a year die from cancer. To date there have been 912 people die with a positive Covid-19 test. The government and the larger portion of society in Australia believe this is due to the stringent measures taken to counter a larger death rate. But it must be remembered these have been extremely confusing and inconsistent across Australia. Just as in the US, despite vast differences in approaches to lockdowns or social restrictions, the death rates and figures of infection rates, have been fairly similar across all states in Australia. It must be added, the government forbids the release of suicide figures and so we have this warped view of reality being fine for everyone. With perspective being everything and given the censorship has been normalized, it would appear transparency has been a victim in this crisis. The idea of lockdowns are also classic Neptunian themes as is deception, given the lack of transparency. Another theme closely aligned with this surrounds the failings of the democratic systems of government. Their alignment with big corporations is increasingly becoming more obvious. As is their lack of consideration for their electorates. These are all themes relevant to the Neptune transit.

The Astrology for May 2024

The Astrology for May 2024

This month proves to be challenging with the shadow of economic hard times being felt a little more. Along with this is the threat of further epidemics and outbreaks, although not like what we have seen in more recent times. Just a bit more than we have seen over the...