Just to orientate you to the timings of my astrology narrations, I am located in Melbourne, Australia, and so depending upon where you are, the timings of occurrences will change.

This month sees the theme of competing needs of yourself versus everyone else and somehow trying to balance all this so you don’t get lost or sacrificed along the way.

It begins with the crisis of the Third Quarter Moon where the meaning you strive for in your existence is questioned or challenged by others for being too focused upon yourself and not directed for the greater good of all. The tension is exacerbated by any refusal to see this possibility when we attempt to force our ideas and ideals upon others. This is a significant and important struggle, marking the ending phase of Pluto in Capricorn, the last 59 days before Pluto moves into Aquarius.

The tension continues from December 3 to 5 with Venus square to Pluto, intensifying relationships, bringing conflict to the surface where separation may feel like the best option. The pursuit of meaning threatens and outweighs the value of security and resources.

This crisis is important as it highlights what needs addressing. And so on December 6 comes the time of repair and reflection. Cooperation is restored as you feel more able to discuss the problems you have been facing. There is a relinquishing of personal drive as the greater good of everyone else is able to be considered. Then comes a feeling of inner peace as you begin to feel more aligned with the ego and soul energies working beautifully together.

December 9 continues the theme of working cooperatively together as you begin to make plans for the future. These are more easily articulated at this time. Signing contracts or concluding a deal will work favourably now. December 12 will be a very light hearted day and so good for more leisurely pursuits if this is possible but if not then the ease will put you in much better spirits.

Then December 13 brings the New Moon with a reintegration of meaning into your life. There comes a greater understanding that what you most need is that which you are called upon to give up. That which you have considered your birthright, your entitlements. While this may sound confronting, there is a greater generosity of spirit today and so these ideas will actually flow well.

We also have Mercury turning retrograde again and this time we move from the Earth series to the theme of the Fire series. This gives birth to your creative potential developed through an anguish about the future and a restlessness about what it is you need to do. So for the next three weeks there will be a certain stuckness as these ideas surrounding your creative potential begin to formulate and take hold.

The following few days then provide an inconsistent potential with December 16 being a day of ease whilst December 17 is more low key and confusing. Then the following day provides a clearer time for reflection upon your plans. There is in the background a realisation about the sacrifices needed in order to meet the needs of your relationship.

Then come the First Quarter Moon on December 20 where we struggle with the felt sacrifices we need to make in our re-establishing of meaning in our lives. This theme continues on for the following day. We are also reminded that disruption of regularity and predictability are important precursors for establishing meaning.

December 22 lightens things, feeling more able to work through problems methodically. But also it brings sudden unanticipated twists in relationships. It is a good day for doing something exciting to offset your restlessness.

On December 23 the Sun moves into Capricorn just as it forms an inferior conjunction with Mercury. This marks the halfway point in this Mercury retrograde period and is a time for rest and recuperation as you begin to reorient yourself, gather new resources and let go of the past. Also this next Solar month in Capricorn marks a time for looking at what it is you are manifesting. Is it going to plan as you expected and if not then why? Over the next week builds tension with the impending direct motion of both Jupiter and Mercury. These can heighten anxiety and anticipation.

December 24 will be a thoughtful and productive day leading up to Christmas day. Whilst no major aspects occur on this day, we have a Christmas with Mercury retrograde. A more reflective Christmas where a readiness for action is stirred with a vision of what the year ahead looks like for you. In part this also involves reflecting upon the year that has been with all the tragedies that have occurred and leads us to this point. It will be an important day to come together, grieve what has been lost and look towards a more promising future.

December 27 marks the Full Moon creating tensions between what you are aiming for and what is expected of you. Adding to this we have Mercury square to Neptune creating confusion and heightening your sensitivities.

Beware of idealising others on December 28 as you may feel a great benevolence but this may be very misguided. Take care not to run yourself down. December 29 sees the deepening of your emotions with Venus sextile to Pluto with feelings of great force and vigour. Intense relationships may start as well.

Then on December 31 Venus moves into Sagittarius and so marking a time of being influenced by others, allowing them to broaden your perspectives. Jupiter also moves direct and so begins a period of unleashing blocked emotions. There is also a caution around impulsive and premature decisions. So take care for New Year’s Eve!

You cannot make sense of this? Why not try an individualised astrology reading with Mark. Just following this link and book a time to talk with him:


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The Astrology for May 2024

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