The month to come will seem very disappointing if your expectations are unrealistic. But in another sense, it will be a good time for the deep internalised work required for the month of Scorpio. For this is where you have to opportunity to understand your weaknesses better as they provide much treasure when given context. Here we find the personal planets making more aspects with the outer planets than usual, highlighting patterns of thinking and behaviour not anticipated. So then consider the uses of adversity.

Following on from the Full Moon and lunar eclipse of the end of last month, we have the anticipated promise of the huge potential behind the Sun opposing Jupiter from November 2 to 4. Your energies are heightened with the possibility of achieving great things in some areas of your life. However, with Venus opposing Neptune between November 3 and 5, badly placed expectations can do more harm than good and some relationships can end badly when the deception becomes apparent.

In the background of all this chaos we have Saturn moving direct, lifting your energy and enhancing your possibilities which have been struggling since the end of August when the Sun opposed Saturn. But Saturn will move in direct motion now for the next eight months. Over this period you will come into a new sense of your own authority and power.

However, you will have to contend with more disruption in this initial part of the month as Mercury also opposes Uranus between November 4 and 5 producing scattered and hasty actions which can end badly. Not good for work requiring discipline and focus. But it will be a good couple of days for doing things you don’t normally do or meeting new people who challenge you thinking.

Between November 4 and 6 there is a warning about acting mechanically and not tuning into what is really happening as disappointments can be rife and your efforts will not be appreciated as much as you would have liked.

November 7 and 8 are good days for doing some further internal work and with the Sun in Scorpio this month, such introspection is needed. Mercury trines Neptune bringing out your creativity and sensitivity. So this will be good for dreaming and planning or for studying subjects which transcend the limits of your rational mind. Venus also is trine to Pluto, adding an intensity into the mix where the power of your psyche is felt almost viscerally as are the feelings you have for your relationship. 

At the same time Venus enters Libra and so for the next month you will experience a better balance between yourself and everyone you meet. This will go some way toward mitigating the influence of the Sun inconjunct Chiron which can leave you feeling out of sync with what you really need or making sacrifices you don’t want but feel obligated to do as you don’t have the energy to resist.

Then on November 9 Mercury makes a sextile aspect to Pluto, so allowing you to penetrate more successfully the superficial layers of reality. This is in preparation for the next few tumultuous days  as Mars and the Sun oppose Uranus. This combination can be explosive and tense. Events beyond your control will disrupt your plans for these few days between November 10 and 15, particularly late November 13 and early 14 when the Moon conjuncts both the Sun and Mars, amplifying this pattern. The upside to all this disruption is that it will help liberate you from any unnecessary restrictions by highlighting this or else your rebellion will seek expression through accident prone behaviours.

November 15 and 16 sees you defer your own personal interests as there are more pressing matters to deal with. But also at this time, do not make promises you just cannot keep. See this for what it is, that you may just be trying to gain the approval of others. The sacrifices continue between November 16 through to 19 with Mars and the Sun trine to Neptune. This will bring out the idealism in you as well as the urge to help others rather than yourself. At this time as well your energy and assertiveness will be at a low ebb and so you will be more inclined to give way to the demands of others. Within this period, on November 18, we also have Mercury sextile to Venus which adds some lightness to the mix, meaning it will be a good day for some time out to play games or just tell someone that you love them.

We then move forward onto November 20 which marks a great time for some deeper spiritual work as the Sun and Mars will then be sextile to Pluto. This marks a time for some very powerful changes. But the more out of touch you are, the greater the disruption. Maybe you will meet someone who exerts a powerful influence upon you but otherwise it will be an ideal time for some deep meditative practise or self reflection. This may also help clarify things for you as on November 21 you feel more able to articulate your deeper yearnings or needs.

November 22 to 24 brings your expectations crashing if they fall short of your reality with the Sun square to Saturn where duty weighs heavily against self gratification. You may also feel more depressed than usual, or maybe you feel at a low ebb or have the urge to break out of a rut but struggle to do this. At this time there is the potential for conflict with authority figures so don’t press any matters that can be delayed. Relations in general with others will be more at odds with your own inner needs. However, these revelations will highlight what must change within yourself in order to gain better self confidence.

The Sun also moves into Sagittarius on November 23 marking the next month in your yearly journey when meaning in your life takes focus. With Mercury inconjunct to Uranus on November 24, you are warned that any attempts to serve the world at large will punish you severely. This combination can bring mental anguish along with feelings of ineffectuality, self-imposed guilt and if you over extend yourself for the sake of others then your own health will suffer.

With Mars square to Saturn between November 24 and 27, you are warned to proceed slowly and cautiously as it can be a time of great frustration and irritation. Feeling inhibited from acting. The suppressive force of authority figures can bring out your anger but these actions will backfire. Instead it will be a time to confront your own demons and it will be best, or least disruptive to contain your actions to more menial tasks and activities.

On November 27 Mercury will be trine to Neptune and so a time of great confusion and misunderstandings. Avoid any deceptive behaviours as these will backfire. You may feel very delusional but it will be important to sit with this as it will soften your tense energies and assist with actualising realisations coming from the Full Moon in Gemini.

Then on November 29 the Sun is inconjunct to Jupiter which will be best used for study and more contemplative work. Moderation in everything is advised though as your energies will be lower and self assurance will be lacking.

The incongruity continues onto the final day of November when there can be difficulties reconciling personal responsibilities with the needs of others. So try not to be in a hurry as you will feel more sensitive than usual and prone to become more easily exhausted. Your vulnerability will be more marked and disappointments more likely, so do not expect too much, especially relating to romance.

If this does not make sense to you then maybe you need a more individualised astrology reading to help you understand what is going on personally. Contact myself on the link below and book a free 15 minute chat to find out more about what to expect from a session. The link is

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