This month begins with the full Moon in Taurus right over Uranus bringing with it surprises or upsets as well as maybe finding it hard to settle that day or you just won’t sleep so well. Not having your needs met can be upsetting but it also provides an opportunity to look at how you react and so gain good insights. Over the next two weeks the Moon will retreat, having established a way of responding which is more satisfying.
This month gives the theme of planets continuing to move from retrograde to direct motion, starting with Mercury in Libra to Mars in Aries and finally, Neptune in Pisces. The frustrations at the end of last month are beginning to shift with Mercury retrograde finishing on the 4th. So this will be the time to get out and achieve all those things you have been putting off. The time for investigating those technological needs has finished. So now you are prepared to make that purchase knowing what will enhance your communication or connection with others or resolve problems you have had in the past with these devices. Then Mercury will be moving into Scorpio from the 11th which will help you direct your focus upon how you deal with growth and change. Learning to detach from your own fixations by naming and understanding them better or dealing better with the attachments of others will serve you well in the long run.
Then Mars turns direct on the 14th and this will help lift the frustrations you have harboured since mid September when it began its retrograde course. Moving forward, its energies will intensify quickly and so it is just as well Mercury is then positioned in Scorpio as this will modify the Mars impact with hopefully, some capacity for reflection and not so much fixation. Where the need for overt and radical change is prominent. Having experienced such an extended time of isolation can bring with it such sensitivity around your self expression, how you assert yourself and how this is received. This quite raw state will feature prominently over the month.
The new Moon on the 15th will also assist in tempering the need to assert yourself. This also commences the transit of the Moon through the theme of Scorpio. Loss of self through merging emotionally with someone else can be confronting but the process can allow for you to transcend that which keeps you stuck or fixated. Then from the 22nd the Sun moves into Sagittarius and issues related to freedom of expression take focus in some way, enabling you to reflect more upon your place in the scheme of life, of society. There is a compelling need to assert yourself, speak your truth, in the second half of November as we build once again to the full Moon on the 30th. After the months of confinement indoors, this is a welcome expression and will be met with great gusto. A reactive time, a time to vent as well as enjoy, immersed in the experience of living for its own sake without having to evaluate or understand. And then culminating in the reflection about what it is you need to understand. To take forward from your personal experience of the pandemic.
The end of the month also sees Neptune once again go direct. After this period of disillusion comes resolution of your beliefs. Detaching oneself from those who do not share your world view can be a response to your heightened sensitivity and an attempt to protect yourself. It is important to be very clear regarding your motivations and not add to the burdens others are carrying. To balance oneself truly by maintaining your receptivity to those around you and not falling victim to negative energies. In this resolution, you need to position yourself in this very conventional reality whilst transcending it.
Through the signs:
This month begins with a bang for you as sudden disruptions or shocks catapult you into old patterns of reacting. It will be important to seek out professional help, to clarify your issues in this regard. What you are reacting to is your own story and not the behaviours of others which may just act like a catalyst. This soul searching will prove extremely satisfying as you begin to gain mastery over what you consciously elect to attract.
Disruptions impact your work as well as your contacts within the community. These are potent reminders of what it is you wish to attract into your life consciously. Making an effort to keep the company of people you share a common understanding with will heal the wounding you feel when misunderstood.
Breakdowns in friendships is the area most impacted for you. It is important to recognise your own fixity may play a role in this and reinforced by your alignment to what you do, what you aim for in life. This could be a very confusing month for you and so it may prove beneficial to let the dust settle and not act so hastily, pushing for clarification which will not come as you would like it to.
Expect disruptions on the home front which will serve you to channel your frustrations into your work. Remember, the need for certainty is an abstracted fear of the unknown. Take solace in softening your stance and listening within, naming what it is you are feeling. This will bring you closer to those you have been unconsciously pushing away.
The disruptions or awakenings occur in disputes of a philosophical nature. At this time you possess a clarity and objectivity whilst also highly sensitive and unable to defend yourself. Don’t lose sight of the fact that what you seek is the satisfaction of feeling at one with others and not about being right or winning.
Whilst loss of possessions or comforts prevails at this time, remember to reflect upon the fact that there are guardian angels around you, looking after you. Sharing deeply with others will find abundance in its way and help you re align with what constitutes security for you.
Take care not to be mechanical or act unconsciously, as you move through life as at this time the disruptions could manifest in accidents or relationship break downs. The imperative is to sharpen your consciousness by being more mindful of your habit patterns. How you sabotage your needs.
Disruptions can manifest with poor health so take some time out to look after yourself better. A fast at this time can prove beneficial. It may sensitise you towards what you want for your life and not to just assume this. Listen to yourself.
Opportunities disguised as loss is a strong theme for this month as you find people who you once considered close begin distancing themselves from you. Remember this is a necessary pain in order to firm up your connection to the community by defining what is important for you and celebrating this.
Disruptions seem to be on the work front or result from clashes with colleagues. Working from home will help strengthen your connectedness to those around you. So take the time to foster this. Remember it is those you consciously associate with who are important to you.
Disputes are highly likely to finish in parting ways with those you disagree with. Notice this has the impact of threatening your security. This is a biological urge and so do not give yourself a hard time about it as idealism is not grounded in reality but rooted in fantasy and the refusal to see things for what they are.
Loss at this time may result from a fixation or over dependence upon others. Being clear about this will help you navigate relationships. You are extremely sensitive to the impact of others and so understand it is your diplomacy at this time which keeps you safe.
Remember if you have difficulty understanding the message from your Sun sign then look to your Rising sign or book in a more detailed and accurate understanding of yourself and your life at the moment. Just follow the links to book in an astrology reading with myself.

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